TLD | Registre | Renovação | Transferir |
A domain name is the web address or URL where visitors find your site. A custom domain gives your site a professional look, strengthens your brand, and helps visitors find you on the web.
A domain is a name or address entered into a web browser to navigate to your website. Web hosting is what drives and powers your website to make it functional. Domains and web hosting can be ordered separately but you will need a domain name to purchase hosting with GroundHost.
Of course! If you have registered your domain with another provider like NameCheap or GoDaddy, you can use the domain transfer form to transfer to GroundHost.
Unfortunately not. The sale of domain names are final and cannot be changed. Please ensure you double check the spelling of the domain name you want to search for and register.
In terms of functionality of your email or website - there is no difference.
In the early days of the internet, there were only 3 Top level Domains (TLD) available - .com, .net and .org.
Nowadays there are hundreds of different TLD's available allowing you be more creative with your brand.